After reading our last blog post you might be considering hosting a recruiting event. If so, we have more information to help you get everything planned and organized. Use these helpful tips below. Did you know that all applicant tracking system software is not the same? That’s why Recruiteze is number one. Try Recruiteze today for free!
Once the planning and organizing is well underway, it’s important to start getting the word out about your event. The details of this conference should be disclosed as you market it. Time and date, venue, what attendees can expect, and what type of food you’ll have available should be included in these details.
Social media is a great way to get the word out about your event. That means creating an event that people can respond to, share, and invite others to. It also includes sharing posts about the event, emailing links, and more.
You can also send out an email invitation. This can be a great way to engage those that aren’t using social media. Even better, emailing an invitation that includes a date, time, and venue will allow those that receive it to add your holiday recruiting event to their calendar.
Make sure you include directions to the venue in every place you’re advertise. There’s nothing more frustrating than being unable to find the location for an event you’re hoping to attend.
Be sure to send out reminders for the event one week out from the date. You’ll want to start planning and organizing everything five to six weeks out. Invitations should go out about four weeks out. Then, a week before, send a reminder through Facebook or email.
Include giveaways that can be registered for during check-in. You’ll want to be sure to check your guests in so that you can get a little bit of information about them. This can help with networking, meeting new candidates, and being able to get in touch with them long after your event is done.
Following up afterward is a great way to develop longstanding relationships with your guests. After all, this is the main focus for hosting this event! You want to improve your recruiting abilities and create a talent pool that you can use when you need it.
During the week of your holiday recruiting event, make sure all food is ordered and finalized, speakers are ready to go, and you have all your volunteers and prizes lined up. This last week will be putting the final touches on everything you’ve been planning and organizing for the last six weeks. We hope you find these tips helpful! If you’ve hosted an event before, let us know how it went in the comments. What would you change next time? What did you enjoy most?
If you missed our previous blog be sure to head over there for more help with hosting your holiday recruiting event!
Free Applicant Tracking System Software | Recruiteze
Ready to try Recruiteze? Our small business applicant tracking system software is a great way to make sure you’re able to acknowledge applicants, offer them next steps in the overall hiring process, and list job ads on important job boards and streamline your entire operation with just one software. No more countless spreadsheets and scattered information to keep up with! Recruiteze keeps everything you need at the touch of a button!
You’ll be able to ensure your recruiting process is easy to use, valuable, and efficient. You won’t need to worry about storing valuable information needed to hire new employees. Recruiteze helps you build a candidate database, keep notes, and communicate with active and inactive applicants. You’ll be able to eliminate endless spreadsheets full of notes and information by adding your feedback and applicant information into the ATS. It will be housed in one place that is easily accessible and useful.
In addition, you’ll be able to send out personalized emails to each candidate to help save time and effort. Communication with applicants won’t fall to the side and you’ll be gaining a great way to keep the applicant engaged and informed.
There are tons of benefits you can gain from trusting our small business applicant tracking system! Recruiteze will help your small business save time and money, become more organized and streamlined, and help you track applicants without worrying about top talent falling through the cracks. Be sure to try it for free if you haven’t used an ATS for your small business!