The success of every organization is based on three factors- engagement, competency, and empowerment of the workforce. The employees are the ones who bring business, deal with the customers and add to brand value. It’s the core responsibility of the employers and managers to ensure that their workforce remains competitive in the market by equipping their employees with desired skills and boosting their job satisfaction levels. The HR managers should keep an eye on the problems and needs of the employees to eliminate all the factors affecting their morale and dissatisfaction.

A good job satisfaction ratio amongst the employees calls for higher productivity, more business and lower attrition rates. Here are some remarkable and 100% pragmatic tips for boosting higher levels of job satisfaction and employee morale.
Make the Employee Feel Special
The goals and the contributions of every employee should be crystal clear. When the employee feels that he is substantially contributing to the company’s success, motivation comes along. Want to boost job satisfaction? Involve the employees in decision making and other brainstorming sessions. The employers should ensure that the mission, aims, and objectives of the company should be more than mere statements. The employers should bestow full faith and trust in their employees and the same should be communicated to them as well.
Remuneration is the quickest way to reach Job Satisfaction
The best way to entice every candidate is by offering lucrative salary packages. It’s also the quickest way to increase your job satisfaction levels and improve morale, at least in the short term. Gen-Z job seekers are specifically more concerned regarding monetary as well as nonmonetary benefits. The nonfinancial benefits include bonuses, recognition, on-site opportunities, training, work from home options, vacations, company shares, involvement in decision making etc. If any company is offering these benefits, it can rest assured of employee retention for a longer time.
Apart from that, the company should take measures to release the salary on time. Even a single day delay kicks anxiety amongst the employees.
Recognition and Rewards
An employee should be appreciated, recognized and rewarded for his contribution towards achieving any milestone. A blatant excuse for not giving recognition under any circumstances shouldn’t be given air. By recognizing the employees’ efforts, the company can make them feel important, spark motivation in them and improve overall job satisfaction. The employees should be encouraged to learn more and appreciated for their achievements.
Streamlining the Workflow and improve Job Satisfaction
A proper hierarchy should be followed whenever anything has to be escalated or discussed. The companies should also ensure that the hierarchy should be just three levels and not beyond that. The higher the hierarchy, the more is the time taken to resolve any issue. The workflow should be streamlined by avoiding confusing approvals procedures, over-complicated processes and delays in communication.
Celebrate their Special Days
Celebrating occasions such as birthdays, wedding day, baby arrival, etc. will make employees feel special and connected to the workplace. The celebration doesn’t mean going for a grand party but a simple cake cutting or an announcement could do wonders. It really boosts the employee’s morale.
Don’t Overload Employees
Most of the start-ups and small companies have limited people who tend to multitask. For example, the same person is doing the coding and handling hiring with no additional monetary benefits offered. The employee feels frustrated and is not able to focus on his core work. The companies should match headcount to workload. It’s better to hire a new employee rather than overburdening the existing employee.
Flexible Timings and Workplace
The need of the hour is to go flexible with timings as well as the workplace. More and more companies have acknowledged the fallacy of “face time” and have adopted a flexplace and flextime options. Giving employees the freedom to work from home at their own timings ensures a better work-life balance for the employees.
Apart from that, the physical workplace should be neatly organized and equipped with all basic amenities. The concerned departments should keep a check over the noise levels and all other safety arrangements.
Introducing a kid’s crèche will work wonders for female employees. This makes them stay stress-free as their child is in safe hands now. Offering certain stress buster games such as Table tennis, video games, gym etc add real value to employee productivity.
Promotion Policy
The company should opt for a fair, transparent and clear promotion policy. Sticking to one pattern or set of rules for promotions definitely encourages the employees to perform their best and stay active in the race for promotion. Promotion should not be done only in terms of designation but compensation and benefits as well.
Supportive Work Culture
The employees spend more than half of their day in the office and give a significant part of their lives to the company. Strong relationships with co-workers, managers and other colleagues improve the workplace culture as well as inculcate a positive attitude in the employee. Fortnight small discussions over tea between employees and senior team members boost employee’s morale and lights up the motivation spirit. The senior designation holders should be trained and counseled in how to handle the employees/ team members. A rigid and stern behavior towards employees will make the company lose their talent.
Opportunities to Grow
The company should ensure the competitiveness of its employees. Regular training and new advanced tools should be introduced to pace up with the latest trends. The attrition rate shoots up when the employees are not satisfied with their growth in the company. They feel a dire need to go for a job change to nurture their dreams and skills. The companies should take appropriate measures to ensure professional development and rule out all the possibilities of a stagnated career graph of the employee.
Counselling Employees
It is the same as motivating the employee to make a fresh and energetic start. There could be times when the employee feels dejected, frustrated and lacks motivation. The HRs and the Managers can easily spot them as their performance graph will start declining.
It’s the responsibility of the Manager to counsel them and reignite the lost spark in them. A small discussion over a cup of coffee can do wonders!
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