Are you running a small business and feel talent recruitment is a major challenge imposed by the nature of your business?
Furthermore, it worries you that you don’t possess sufficient resources and lack attractiveness as compared to large businesses for attracting top talent.
In such a scenario, the first thing you must know is that there are many advantages of being in a small business. In fact, the small size of your business can actually help you attract top talent.
Did you know that even if you lack in resources as compared to large organizations, you possess much more freedom?
There is no need for a small business like yours to go through a series of steps and policies for recruiting amazing people or for any other task that has to be carried out within a business.
Data from recent a ADP study should put rest to all your inhibitions and worries concerning the hiring process:
40% of small businesses found hiring difficult for an open position and only 32% reported that it took longer to fill vacancies than expected time. Did you know that finding and hiring employees for your small business is a lot easier with our online recruiting system? Recruiteze is free and there’s no obligation. Try Recruiteze today.
Some Interesting Facts about Small Businesses
- Small businesses are reported to hire almost half of the workforce in the U.S.
- The jobs posted by such companies are more than 60% of new jobs posted in the private sector.
Why is Hiring Easier for Small Businesses?
The alluring opportunities that are offered by small businesses make it a lot easier to attract talent as compared to large organizations.
Small businesses are unique in nature and therefore, possess the advantage of offering fascinating and compelling job offers to their potential employees.
It is revealed that small businesses are very much capable of offering competitive pay packages and job benefits to their employees. To model, there are businesses that offer employees holidays instead of getting paid for overtime.
The results of the ADP study highlight that 3/4th of small businesses offer health insurances to their employees in order to stay competitive in the market. The businesses that were analyzed had an employee strength varying from 10 to 49 employees.
By the virtue of their size, it is feasible for small businesses to offer employees the advantages that are not easy to find in the large business. It is because large companies have a fixed set of policies on almost everything and that even includes the added benefits that are given to employees. Therefore, the ability to offer perks make small businesses as competitive as large businesses.
Given below is the list of advantages that small businesses find it possible to offer to their employees:
Magnitude of Growth
A business that is small in nature but is making a fast growth offers the ample number of growth opportunities for its employee. The right recruit finds himself an environment that is appropriate for learning and advancement of his career graph. This is where large businesses fail miserably because they generally don’t succeed in providing their employees the growth and learning opportunities of the same magnitude.
Broader Skill Set
Are you looking at enhancing your skills in the field of your work and becoming a jack of all trades?
If yes, small businesses are your place to be as by working at such places, you are given a wider set of responsibilities and thus, your skills get enhanced manifold. You get trained in handling diverse activities. This is, however, not possible in large businesses or organizations as they offer specialized job roles. Every task that is performed within such an organization demands prior training and specialization.
Flexible Work Environment
If you have any special needs, you would find small businesses are more adjusting in creating an environment that suits you and your interests. They are flexible in their approach and are even ready to adjust so as not to miss out on a talent.
That is, small businesses are willing to offer tailored packages to employees in order to attract talent.
Do you have a kid to look after or is it that you’ve to commute huge distances to reach your office?
Given such a case, you will find small businesses happily agreeing to your working from home or telecommuting once a week, increased vacation time, and so on. One of the reasons that make them flexible in their approach is that the management of employees working remotely is easier for businesses with a smaller number of employees as against organizations deploying a vast number of candidates.
By offering remote or telecommuting work options, businesses get exposed to a large pool of job applicants. It is because there are no geographical constraints to restrict your choices.
Does the idea of working with small businesses to maintain your work-life balance resonate with you?
Bonded Work Force and Personal Relationships
Because small businesses recruit fewer employees, their employees work in close association with each other. The employees in such businesses are much more bonded as against employees working in large organizations.
The difference is also evident in the nature of employers. It is a common feeling that owners of small businesses consider their workforce part of a family and therefore, the employees are treated nicely and their well-being is taken care of.
These small things act as a huge lucrative for millennials who consider them at par with salary packages.
Further, there is a closer work relationship between business owners and employees that strengthens their bond.
Multiple Recruiting Options
Large businesses have strict policies and recruitment terms to adhere to. However, this is not the case with small businesses as they are free to explore multiple options to find top candidates. They are free to explore untapped resources or try different methods for recruiting so as to source talent for their business.
Large businesses have fixed resources to look out for talent every year whereas small businesses try to find avenues that are not heavily trafficked by big players in the market. And there is quite a high probability of finding the desired talent at places that are unusual and remain unexplored. It is quite likely for small businesses to direct their recruiting efforts towards exploring core professional groups. This will help them find candidates who are passionate about working in their industry. Let our free online recruiting system help you with your options. Recruiteze allows you to recruit quality employees, quicker and at a lesser financial cost to you. Click here to start your online recruiting campaign today.
Control over Marketing Campaigns
There are no strict guidelines and procedures to be followed in small businesses. Even more, there is no need to go through a list of people to get the changes made or to get something new done. Thus, if there is a marketing campaign that needs to be executed in a different manner from what it was planned earlier, it will involve a large number of people in a large business. It will, therefore, consume a lot of energy and time.
Small businesses, on the other hand, because of their flexible work methodology have more freedom to change the course of things in order to boost their presence and improve their market performance.
During the times of recession or economic downturn, you will find small businesses are flexible and quick in adapting to the change as compared to large businesses. Their quick response time makes it possible for them to recruit from a vast pool of talent. It is because big businesses are still in the recruitment pipeline waiting for things to get better.
You might argue that things will be different when there is no economic recession or timings are good are for large businesses. There is nothing that should make you worry because a small business has every reason to attract talented candidates if they know how to market themselves right and sell what they have got to offer to ideal candidates.
What you Need to Do?
Formulate a Right Marketing Hiring Strategy
Formulate a strategic plan to market all the benefits employees are likely to get by working with you.
What makes you unique and what is it that you offer that makes you highly competitive?
The factors given above play an important role in the critical decision-making process followed by talented employees. It is, therefore, important that the benefits of working with a small business like yours are marketed in a right manner.
The factors that contribute towards making work culture within your organization unique and attractive needs to be analyzed and given a special highlight. Create custom job descriptions in your online recruiting system. You must, however, market only relevant and authentic information. Because you’ll be hitting a home run if you portray any false information or make commitments that you can’t fulfill. The least thing you would want in your business is high turnover.
Ensure the candidates that you are always willing to do whatever it takes to keep your workforce intact. And when there is an economic turn-down, the last thing you would want is your employers having to leave you. That is, you need to sell talented bunch of candidates the idea that you believing in retaining your employees for a longer time completely unlike large companies
By deploying the correct means of clear and effective communication, you tend to increase your chances of attracting topmost talent for your business even if it is small in nature.
Our Free Online Recruiting System Is Great For Your Small Business!
If your small business is looking to hire new people, then let our free online recruiting system help. We hope you will give Recruiteze a try today! Our easy-to-use recruiting tools makes online hiring easy! Contact us today to learn more.