Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet – The New Recruitment Tracking Spreadsheet

recruitment tracking spreadsheets

As a recruiter or HR professional, it’s easy to believe that what worked in the past is the best strategy for the future. However, applicant tracking spreadsheets will change this.

While this holds in some cases, you don’t want to travel down this path when it comes to a recruitment tracking spreadsheet.

Many years ago, spreadsheets were considered advanced technology. After all, using spreadsheets is more efficient than a manual system that relied on nothing more than a pen and paper.

Fast forward to 2021, and a spreadsheet is no longer the only option for recruiting professionals. Instead, there is free online recruitment software, such as Recruiteze, that can make your life a whole lot easier.

In this article, we’ll cover why traditional applicant tracking is inefficient compared to ATS and why to consider switching to an applicant tracking software to make your life so much easier.

Let’s get started!

Recruitment Software has started gaining momentum and popularity from the late 90s, but only recently have they started becoming increasingly more intelligent and helpful in assisting you to pick the best candidate for the job.

As a hiring manager, a recruiter, or a business owner, hiring the best people and doing it at the lowest cost possible should be your top priority.

Don’t get us wrong, a traditional spreadsheet for tracking candidates is useful if you’re starting out, but as soon as you feel like your demands are growing, you should know there are better alternatives.

In particular, the newer solutions are cloud-based and offer a heck of a lot more features than regular spreadsheets.

We discuss this in great detail on our blog, noting the following in regards to our cloud-based service:

“With Recruiteze, you can post and publish jobs to numerous job boards, receive qualified applicants directly to your recruitment database. You can access candidate applications online and make changes lightning-fast. Recruiting based on client/hiring manager needs has never been easier. Your custom responsive careers page and application allow candidates to easily access information and create the level of professionalism expected in today’s marketplace. We’ve taken the redundant administrative work out of recruiting. There’s no need to keep doing things the hard way.”

As you can see, Recruiteze is the “anti-spreadsheet” in many ways. If you want to do things the hard way, you’ll continue to rely on the use of a candidate tracking spreadsheet.

Conversely, if you want to make changes for the better, you’ll come to realize that there is a powerful technology that can work in your favor.

Here are some of the top features we appreciate at Recruiteze:

  1. Mobile Friendly
  2. Contact Candidates
  3. Contact History
  4. Notes & History
  5. Bulk Upload
  6. Candidate Search
  7. Bulk Contact
  8. Power Your Career Page
  9. Online Job Applications
  10. No More Duplicates
  11. Reporting and Analytics

Let’s go and explore each of these features!

If you are looking for a free applicant tracking spreadsheet, check Recruiteze and you will realize that there is something far better and easier to use!

Mobile Friendly

Thanks to cloud technology, you don’t have to be sitting at your computer to access and review resumes.

Instead, you can do so from anywhere in the world – as long as you have access to a tablet or smartphone.

From an organization and time savings point of view, it doesn’t get any better than this.

Contact Candidates

What method do you use today to contact candidates? Like many recruiters, you may rely solely on email and phone calls.

While both of these methods will remain popular in the future, don’t overlook the fact that recruiting software allows you to contact candidates directly from your system. You don’t have to leave the system to contact an applicant, which goes a long way in saving you time and improving efficiency.

Contact History