Are you ready to incorporate employee engagement and cultural ideas within your company this fall? If so, you’ll find several tips below. If you missed our previous blog post and aren’t sure what employee engagement is, be sure to visit back with that post, here. If you need hiring help, check out our free recruiting system today. Recruiteze makes tracking talent and hiring new employees easy. Start your free trial now.
With fall comes beautiful autumn leaves, pumpkins, apple cider and cool, crisp air. Consider having a day out, away from work for employees who have gone above and beyond. Visit a pumpkin patch, have a picnic in a park, or another outdoor activity that will be a great bonding experience for co-workers and a great way to reward their engagement within the company.
Another great idea is to have a pumpkin decorating contest. This will be a great way to get all employees participating and working together. Put each department in a group and have them decorate a pumpkin. If you don’t have departments, break employees down into small groups so that they can work together.
Give your employees the opportunity to volunteer their time and effort to a nonprofit organization. Whether it’s a homeless shelter, canned food drive, or some other organization that helps those in need, choose one or two that your employees can devote time to. When cooler weather moves in, these types of organizations typically need more assistance and resources.
Keep a crockpot full of apple cider heating on low every morning. Not only will the smell of the delicious cider motivate employees and help them feel comfortable, they’ll be able to grab a cup of warm cider while talking with their coworkers in the break room.
Plan a company fall festival. Have a hayride, games, chili cook-off and other fun traditional fall festival activities. Have it on a Saturday in the late afternoon. Encourage employees to bring friends and family, as well.
With Halloween coming up you can have some themed fun throughout the office. Consider having a Halloween breakfast or lunch. Have employees bring treats and finger foods that fit the theme. Consider having a Halloween costume contest and then a Halloween parade.
Host trick-or-treating in the office. Invite employees’ children, neighborhood kids, and the whole community. Have each department give out candy.
Order group tickets for a local football game. Nothing says fall like a fun day spent at the football stadium.
Once a week throughout fall, encourage team members to bring in one fall dish for a luncheon held during lunch hour. These things can include apple pie, pumpkin soup, shepherd’s pie, chili, pumpkin bread and more!
These are all great ways to encourage employee engagement. Not only will they be participating in team building opportunities, but they will also be excited to come to work every day. They will want to continue doing well so that they can continue being rewarded. However, it’s important to make sure that these activities are optional. Mandating that people come to planned activities outside of office hours might result in the opposite of employee engagement. Those that feel restricted or forced to participate may not perform as well at work. You can also make in office activities optional, as well.
We hope these tips help you up your employee engagement this fall! Be sure to use these ideas to get workers be more excited about work and make them more motivated to do an excellent job.
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