It’s the middle of 2021, and the recruitment industry continues to evolve around us. To successfully navigate all these changes, it is helpful to educate yourself on the unique opportunities and threats facing today’s recruitment industry.
In this article, we will tackle some of the most common threats and opportunities in recruiting industry that arise nowadays:
- Loads of candidates.
- Making use of the candidate pool.
- Poor time management.
- Effective Communication.
- Constant evolution.
- Recruiter/Manager Disconnect.
- Employer Branding.
- Technology Evolution.
Let’s get straight to the point!
Loads of Candidates
This sounds like the opposite of a problem, and in some ways, it is. More talent increases your odds of finding well-matched candidates rather than simply finding the best that’s available.
It does become a problem when there are so many candidates to source and to receive resumes from that it increases your administrative load. If your time management isn’t sharp, you could find yourself overwhelmed and essentially wasting the benefit of so many candidates.
Recruiters need to be able to find, select, secure, and onboard candidates. If you are overwhelmed, you are likely to do a poor job of some or all of these steps. Making a less-than-satisfactory hire or failing to situate the hire in their new job properly could lead to higher turnover and even more work for you and less profit for everyone.
It sounds like a nightmare!
Making Use of the Candidate Pool
You can find some fantastic candidates out there if you give yourself the time to invest in the search. However, no matter how good a candidate is waiting out there, you might not find or land them if you don’t have a targeted approach.
Try these tips to make the most of this opportunity:
- Create ads that not only inform candidates of the job but speak to them in an engaging and target-candidate-appropriate way. You can check some of the creative recruitment strategies we have here.
- Look for cultural compatibility and a mix of both hard and soft skill sets.
- Communicate intelligently with the candidates to reflect the investment the company wants to make in their employees.
Poor Time Management
Sorting through all these candidates takes time, and you don’t want to rush through it.
Tailor your ads to your target audience
The point mentioned in the previous section about creating engaging and candidate-appropriate ads may be the most crucial recruiting task for improving efficiency.
When you target your employer branding and ads to attract suitable candidates, you:
- Eliminate nearly all the need for sourcing.
- Create a situation where candidates self-screen themselves.
- Have won most of the battle of wooing the candidate.
So, by investing a little time initially in perfecting your targeted ad approach, you save a lot of time, headache, and room for error in the rest of the hire.
Communicate effectively
It is also essential to communicate effectively with candidates. To save time, many recruiters do sloppy things like sending the same candidate a generic email repeatedly. This results in a waste of the recruiter’s time, angry candidates, and the attraction of only desperate candidates.
You do want to automate as many processes as you can. ATS such as Recruiteze are excellent for this. Communication is a wonderful area for automation, but only if done wisely and sparingly.
Some businesses have utilized creative and efficient techniques like digital interviews, self-screening, and open-houses to attract interested candidates and weed out less-committed ones. You might want to do the same.
We have described the open-house concept in our post on creative recruitment strategies:
Self-selection screening is a way of pre-qualifying applicants. Simply introduce an open invitation event to candidates before the interview stage. Those who turn up are keen – those who don’t, not so much. This also allows you to assess candidates in a group environment while giving candidates more insight into who you are and what you do.