Job hopping is a new trend among Millennials that seems to be a bit controversial in the working world. Whether or not it’s a good idea depends on the person and the situation.
It also depends on the industry. Millennials are our Generation Y, born from 1977-1993. Unlike Baby Boomers and Generation X, this group of adults tends to switch from one opportunity to the next within the span of only a year or two, max. They find that doing so helps them to skip out on climbing the proverbial “corporate ladder.”
So should you hire a job jumper? Let’s find out! Did you know that an applicant tracking system for small business hiring needs can save you hours of time keeping up with your Gen Y applicants? Try using Recruiteze today, and start recruiting easier!
Hiring Job Hoppers
In our previous blog, we talked about jumping around from one career to the next. We mentioned that more than half of Generation Y prefers to job hop. In addition, those same candidates think that doing so is the new norm. They believe that hopping from one position to the next won’t negatively affect the companies they work for. On the other hand, more than three quarters of surveyed Millennials actually think that job hopping is an undesirable factor to include on their resume. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop them from moving from one company to another, if it means pursuing happiness.
Many recruiters view jumping from one opportunity to the next after a year or two as a costly risk that won’t be worth the investment. That means they refuse to consider hiring job hoppers.
However, there are also advantages to switching careers every couple of years, as well. As a recruiter, you might be asking yourself, “Should I hire a job hopper?” Again, the answer varies depending on your opinion and your situation, but there are a few things to consider.
Below, you’ll find a few benefits to hiring job hoppers. A great way to keep up with your job hoppers is with a applicant tracking system for small business hiring needs. Keep reading to learn how Recruiteze can help.
Because they were forced to learn quickly and often, those that hop from one position to the next are very developed as an employee. This can also help your current workers learn to develop more quickly. It can also help with new hires that plan to stick around for a while, as well.
Top Performers
Believe it or not, those that switch to a new position every year or two are actually very productive and efficient during the times they’re working. Their main objective in jumping from company to company is to take a better opportunity. That means they usually work harder and faster to ensure they’re worth hiring.
By the time these hoppers get to you, they’ve probably held several positions with some of your competitors. This means they have extensive knowledge about the industry and other companies within it. You might benefit from hiring a jumper just for this reason alone.
Because they’re constantly on the move, working for various companies, they’re well cultured and can fit in anywhere. Almost like a chameleon, they’re able to adapt and work anywhere, no matter what the dynamics are. This is a top skill for hoppers. Otherwise, they’d be less likely to change careers every few years.
Because Millennials are so ready to find the next best thing, you won’t have any trouble at all finding someone to quickly fill a position. This can come in handy in a pinch, especially if you have an unexpected employee quit or retire. Locating a replacement will be a cinch, as long as you’re open to hiring a jumper.
Studies show that most Millennials that are at least thirty years old leave their current company within 30 months of working there. That’s based on a survey done on those that have impressive work and education credentials.
According to the Harvard Business Review “95 percent of elite young managers actively researched other employment opportunities, and they tended to follow through on that instinct in short order.”
Remember, choosing to hire a job hopper is entirely up to the recruiter and company. It might not be for everyone. But, jumping from one career to the next is becoming quite the trend. You might find yourself hiring one before you know it, even if it is only temporarily.
Recruiteze Is the Best Applicant Tracking System for Small Business Hiring Needs
If you need help with your hiring efforts, consider using our free resume management system or recruiting software! The following benefits can be gained from incorporating a programs like Recruiteze and iReformat:
- Automated Resume Formatting
- Bulk Upload
- Configure Time Zone
- Contact Candidates from Recruiteze
- Create a Careers Page On Your Website
- Custom Job Code
- Duplicate Prevention
- Online Job Applications
- Reporting and Analytics
- Responsive Design
- Resume Parsing
- Resume Upload and Parsing via Email
- Unlimited Bulk Emails
- Unlimited Candidates and Resumes
- Unlimited Email Templates
- Unlimited Job Requisitions
We offer free basic memberships without obligation for all of our recruiting products. Recruiteze is a free applicant tracking system for small business hiring projects. It allows your candidates to apply to your available job postings and have their resume added to your database immediately.
Already using a applicant tracking system for small business hiring needs? iReformat is the perfect addition. iReformat allows you to format resumes with ease for free! In addition, we are proud to offer you a free 15 day trial of any of our other memberships. Other packages start at $10 per month and offer unlimited support, users, and more!
Let us help you take the boring work out of your recruiting projects. Don’t hesitate to use Recruiteze and iReformat to help reduce the time consuming process of hiring new employees and filtering through resumes and applications. If you have any questions or are interested in our enterprise package that offers unlimited access to all our services contact us today!