The Benefits of Hiring Overqualified Candidates

applicant tracking system for small businessOftentimes, businesses steer clear of hiring candidates that have too much education or experience for a position they need filled. Why? The reasons vary. Most of the time, it has to do with their pay range. Hiring managers assume that those who are overqualified for a specific role will ask for a higher salary than the company is willing to pay. However, this isn’t always the case. And sometimes, hiring a candidate that has more experience and education than necessary pays off.

Below, you’ll find several benefits of hiring overqualified applicants. Searching for the best free applicant tracking system for small business needs? Recruiteze is number one for saving you time and money. Click here to learn more.

Leadership Advantages – Did you know that those with experience and skills that are beyond what their job requires are better at performance and providing excellence? That’s right. A research study by the Harvard Business Review shows that an experienced hand acts as a mentor to junior staff, but also pushes senior staff to achieve higher levels of performance.

Fresh Skill Set – Your company may be able to offer new services to clients because of their added skill set. This will not only benefit you, but also your clients, as well.

Networking Advantages – Hiring a candidate that has a great deal of experience leads to a large background of networking advantages. It’s likely their contact list is huge. You’ll be able to find new candidates through them as well as expand their position in your company.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of hiring an applicant that is more than good enough for the job, be sure to visit back with us in our next blog posts. We will also talk about the cons of hiring those that are overqualified.

Free Applicant Tracking System for Small Business | Recruiteze

Choosing the right recruiting software for your business is easy with help from Recruiteze and iReformat! Want to try them for free? That’s right! You can access our recruiting software for free! Both Recruiteze and iReformat are available with free basic memberships. Recruiteze is the world’s best, free applicant tracking system for small business needs. Your job candidates can apply easily and be added to your database immediately. End-users can also access candidate resumes online, anywhere in the world, and make changes quickly. Recruiting based on client needs has never been easier with your custom job board. It allows candidates and customers easy access to information and creates a level of professionalism expected in today’s marketplace.

iReformat allows you to format up to 10 resumes per month, for free! In addition, we are proud to offer you a free 15 day trial of any of our other memberships! Other packages start at $10 per month, as well and offer unlimited support, users, and more!

We’ve taken the redundant administrative work out of recruiting. Don’t hesitate to use Recruiteze and iReformat to help reduce the time consuming process of hiring new employees and filtering through resumes and applications. If you have any questions or are interested in our enterprise package that offers unlimited access to all our services contact us today!