Have you been considering purchasing staffing agency software to help your recruiters with their daily duties? There are many advantages to having a software solution, but making sure you choose the right agency software is important. Though there are many available, not all of them offer the same benefits. It’s key to choose the software system that offers the most advantages.
Below, you’ll find a few tips that we hope will help you decide which software to choose. Each benefit below will help you save time and money, all while streamlining your operation and increasing productivity!
Front and Back Office Advantages – Offering a simple to use software for applicants, online, is key. In addition, there should also be a system set forth to help contour back office reporting, as well. These systems should be integrated into one, offering various daily tasks, electronically generated records and reports. There are many staffing agency software programs available on the market, but only a few of them integrate front and back office needs. Make sure the one you choose does both.
Streamlined Platform – Creating job postings easily and quickly should be a priority. Many staffing agency software systems have a great, streamlined platform that offers a way for recruiters to post jobs on boards and social media websites. Maximizing recruitment efforts is easy with quality, user friendly software.
Automation – Having the ability to automatically scan and organize resumes can really cut down on time and save money in the process. Manually breaking down information and filtering through hundreds of applicants can take more manpower than the agency can afford. Thankfully, staffing agency software can upload and organize resumes into the database with ease. In addition, data can be updated and maintained automatically, as well.
Compatibility – The staffing agency software you choose should be compatible with existing systems. A streamlined operation between the two is a must. Talk with each software company to ensure that the capability to work with your current system is there. Otherwise, you’ll have to adapt to too many changes that can be costly and time consuming.
Choosing the best staffing agency software starts with making sure your selection is user friendly for both you and the applicants applying for jobs. It should also be affordable! We hope these tips will help you make a decision you’re confident in and excited about! Good luck on your journey and we hope you find the best software for your needs! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Recruiteze!
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Free Staffing Agency Software | Recruiteze
Are you tired of having to deal with all the daily hassles of recruiting? That’s why you should try our free staffing agency software – Recruiteze.
Recruiteze is great for both in-house recruiters and HR, as well as staffing agencies. Recruiteze gives your job candidates the ability to apply online, and be added to your database immediately, in a user friendly way. End-users can access their resumes online and make changes quickly and easily. Recruiteze also comes with a custom job board to make tracking talent organized and effortless. Candidates and customers have trouble-free access to your job information which creates a level of professionalism that’s expected in today’s marketplace.
Recruiteze also allows users to reduce the time it takes to format resumes for free. This automated system helps you format resumes with no hassle or time consuming processes. Click here to try Recruiteze for free!
In fact, if you already have your staffing agency software in place, you can still use iReformat for free. Our basic membership is free, as well, and allows you to format up to 10 resumes per month, with no charge at all! If you find that you need more resumes formatted, take a look at our other packages, starting at $10 a month! Click here to use iReformat.