How to do automated resume formatting using Microsoft Word 2013 or greater

Formatting a resume in Microsoft Word 2013 in 2021 seems like a tricky thing, especially because this version of Microsoft Office is ancient now.

However, we are well aware that many recruiters are familiar with it the most, and it is convenient to stick to something familiar.

Here we will go over two topics that will help you format resumes in Microsoft Word 2013:

  1. How to Manually format resumes in Microsoft Word 2013 – which is a hard, time-consuming way
  2. How to do automated resume formatting using Microsoft Word 2013 – which is an easier, time-effective way

Psst, if you wish to just handle this issue without reading a whole post, our software can do just that in a couple of seconds. Click here to get started.

How to Manually format resumes in Microsoft Word 2013

Use Bullets

Bullets and numbers make everything seem more organized and scannable.

You can showcase candidate skills, hobbies, and similar information in the form of bullets and numbering.

Set Margins

Margins play a considerable role. You need to have just the right amount of white space on the paper tojustify paragraphs make it easier to read and consume information.

Make sure that your margins are not non-existent or too big. Stick to the usual and conventional page layout.

Format Paragraphs

Resumes will look incomparably better and more professional if you set line spacing at single 1,5 and make paragraphs justified.

Put your logo in the header/footer section

The header is the ideal section where you should put your logo and all the necessary company information.

You can put contact information in the footer too.


It is intuitive that all the resumes should be written in the same font style. You can manually by selecting CTRL+A the whole text apply the right font.

How to do automated resume formatting using Microsoft Word 2013 or greater with the Help of iReformat

We are happy to announce our resume formatting software has been approved and is available in the Office App Store. Here is a link to the app.

In this post, will detail how to add the app to Microsoft Word and make use of all of the features available in our resume formatting software.

NOTE: The app in the Office App Store works for Office versions 2013 and greater including Office 365.

The first thing to add the app, go to the Insert tab in the ribbon and click on “Get Add-ins” like shown below: