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People Aggregator

Definition: A people aggregator is software or platform that gathers, consolidates, and presents information about individuals from various online sources.

In recruitment and talent acquisition, people aggregators are tools that automatically search the web—including social media sites, forums, websites, and other online platforms—to compile comprehensive profiles of potential candidates.

These tools aim to make the sourcing and recruitment process more efficient by:

  1. Consolidating Information: People aggregators pull data from multiple online sources to create a unified candidate profile, including a person’s job history, skills, endorsements, publications, etc.
  2. Expanding Talent Pools: They help recruiters find passive candidates—those who aren’t actively seeking a new job but might be open to opportunities.
  3. Improving Search Capabilities: Recruiters can use specific criteria to search for potential candidates, ensuring the results are tailored to their needs.
  4. Updating Data: Many people aggregators automatically update candidate profiles with the latest available data, ensuring recruiters can access current information.
  5. Integration with Other Tools: Some people aggregators can be integrated with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) or other HR software, streamlining the recruitment workflow.


What information can people aggregators collect?

Typically, they can pull data like job history, skills, endorsements, educational background, publications, and other relevant professional details.

Why are people aggregators useful for recruiters?

They help consolidate diverse online data about candidates, making the sourcing process more efficient and can assist in discovering passive candidates who may not be actively job-seeking.

Are people aggregators the same as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)?

No, while an ATS is used to manage and track applicants through the recruitment process, a people aggregator focuses on gathering and consolidating data from various online sources.

How do people aggregators ensure data accuracy?

Many use advanced algorithms and periodic data refresh cycles to update and maintain accurate candidate profiles. However, like any tool, they may not be flawless, and manual verification may sometimes be required.

Are there ethical concerns associated with people aggregators?

Yes, there are concerns related to privacy, consent, and data protection, given that personal information is scraped from the web without explicit permission from the individuals.

How do people aggregators comply with data protection regulations?

Many aggregators ensure they operate within legal frameworks by anonymizing data, providing options for individuals to opt-out, or adhering to specific regional data protection laws.

Can an individual request to have their information removed from a people aggregator?

Many aggregators provide mechanisms for individuals to request removal or corrections to their data. However, practices can vary between providers.

How do people aggregators differ from traditional search engines?

While search engines provide a list of disparate links based on search criteria, people aggregators pull and organize data into structured profiles, offering a more consolidated view of an individual.

Do people aggregators only focus on professional data?

While the primary focus is often professional data, some aggregators might pull in other publicly available data. It depends on the aggregator’s purpose and design.

Are there any limitations to people aggregators?

Yes, they rely on publicly available data, which means they might miss information on individuals with a limited online presence. Additionally, data accuracy, privacy concerns, and legal constraints can pose challenges.

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