10 Ways to Improve Your In-House Recruitment Process


Are you worried that your in-house recruitment process is lacking? Do you have a high turnover rate for employees? If so, there are several things you can do to improve your overall hiring process.

Here are the top 10 ways to improve your in-house recruitment process:

  1. Ask relevant questions
  2. Test ambition and skills
  3. Include colleagues in the final meeting
  4. Branding
  5. Define position and requirements clearly
  6. Use pre-employment assessments
  7. Go hard on social recruitment
  8. Follow business etiquette rules
  9. Check blind hiring
  10. Choose the right recruitment software

But before we start, you have to set attainable and realistic goals. More about that you can read in our guide on how to set recruitment objectives and goals. If you are still considering wether you should opt for a recruitment agency, check these:

Ask Relevant Questions

Make sure you stay on-topic during interviews by asking questions about the information needed to decide which candidate to hire.

Refrain from asking questions like “What animal would you be in another life?” or “What country would you prefer to live in given different circumstances?” These questions lead to answers that won’t reflect the candidate’s skills, knowledge, or experience.

Test Ambition and Skills

Of course, every single candidate you meet with will say they’re excited to work for you and have the skills necessary to do so. What if they’re not being 100 percent truthful in that? Testing their ability and excitement for working with you is key.

Written tests, role-playing, and simulation instances are best for testing. If you’re hiring a PR manager, have them write up a mock-press release. Have a marketing exec write up the perfect marketing plan, complete with key components.

Think outside the box when coming up with ways to test candidates and you’ll find that the best ones will pass with flying colors! Testing job seekers offers a way to weed out those that aren’t dedicated to your company or the position, as well as make sure they’re capable of doing the job.

Make sure to check our guide on Creative Hiring for this. Also, check the pros and cons of personality assessments. Another way to be creative is to also use gamification for recruitment.

Include Colleagues in Final Meeting

Once you’ve gone through each individual and chosen the best candidate for the position, it’s essential to call them back for one final interview.

This meeting should include colleagues that will interact with the most. Doing so will help current employees get a better feel for the upcoming situation and get to know a bit of the candidate before their first day.

In addition, if there are any issues, personality conflicts, or other problems that might be a worry, moving forward, you’ll be able to make adjustments, as needed, before things get too bad and you find yourself going through the overall process of hiring, again.

Additional read: Best phone call screening techniques, and Organizational tips for recruiters


Before you even begin searching for applicants or posting a job opening, it’s important to take a look at your brand.

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small. It’s the way customers perceive your company and, essentially, a promise to your customer. They’re able to understand what to expect when choosing your business.

Your brand also makes you different from competitors. Branding tells a story of who you are, what you want to be, and what you’ll do. Creating a good name for your business will automatically draw quality applicants.

Once you have a clear definition of your brand and begin implementing it int